Friday, January 08, 2010

Lou's 2010 Resolutions

[Adapted by Phil from Lou's offering in the comments - she's still learning]

Hi all, Lou here!!
  1. Phil, I'm stealing your jump out of bed one. It has to happen - it's never that painful as dreaded once I'm up and vertical, in fact quite lovely, so not sure where all the prevarication comes from - so yes leap out of bed at first chirp from the alarm, and smile and yelp with joy whilst mid-leap.
  2. Second resolution - not to procrastinate. Last 18 months has seen a general decline into some inactivity - described by myself as "relaxation" and "being more balanced" and "not doing more than can be done". But I'm not fooled anymore - I've seen through this thin veneer - it is me still doing these things but at the last minute. So a boring yet essential NYR.
  3. The last resolution is similar to Jen's. I am committed (do you like the neurolinguitic programming here) to doing 2 new hobbies in 2010 (wall-climbing is one, seeking the other)and to taking advantage of London's happening cultural scene, so an activity every 2 weeks.
Good luck to us all!!! xxxx I slightly procrastinated on putting this on the site - does that dash it all? x


Blogger Phil said...

I have your #2 pretty much every year, in one guise or another. Multiple post-it notes with "Earn Your Beers" stuck to my monitor helped last year... I am jumping out of bed quite well, are you?

2:35 AM  
Blogger Philip said...

Lou and Phil - the "jumping out of bed" thing is working slightly better for me with one of those light-box alarm clocks (I was given one for Christmas). It gradually gets brighter thereby simulating a sunrise (sort of!) enabling you to wake up refreshed and not startled when the alarm does go off!

Just a suggestion in case you felt that retail therapy and a new toy would help that particular resolution!

6:54 PM  
Blogger Lou P said...

Oh dear I'm not sure how one does this blogging thing, Phil you had to cut and paste mine last year, and yet again the Luddite strikes!!

Which brings me nicely onto my first resolution:
1) "get with the programme" - learn how to harness technology, as part of this specific aims are to keep an electronic calendar, learn to use doodle (Matt especially for you that one), actually get some apps for my iphone, I must be the only person in the world with an iphone for 2 years and no apps!! I still read paper newspapers and books you know and make notes in a scrap book! Incredible!
2) To spend 10 minutes every day on something I have been putting off/avoiding - thanks Phil for this one, it is working so far! And it feeds into 1)
3) Take up a new hobbie or learn a new skill every 4 months - so I've signed up for metal sculpture work class as the first step.
4) Exercise at least twice per week for one hour - at least 30mins cardio - preferrably in mornings and no grumbling please
5) Do/visit/see one cultural event/London sight every 3 weeks to take advanage of this wonderful city I live in and stop thinking about living in a cottage in the country.
6) Read one book a month - this does not sound a lot to some - but I am a slow stop/start reader and whizz through journals as opposed to proper books - so alternate fiction/fact books this year.
7) And this is the BIGGY, this is the one that will surprise some of you and you will shake your heads and say impossible - but to NEVER be LATE EVER. To not dreamily reminisce about that one time you got to the station and the train was waiting and it wizzed along with no problems, and the bus was waiting the other end and stopped at no stops except yours on eerily quiet roads, and you ran at full speed and got to the venue on time, that one time, no, but to plan that things always take twice as long especially journeys, and just to get there early if need be, and then I can spend time doing my 1) or 5) or 6). I will allow for 10% failure rate, and I am recording each time I succeed or fail n my iphone!!

11:03 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Louise, these are extraordinary resolutions! Good stuff. However, I am officially not reading them until you post them properly - I don't want you to break resolution 1 straight away! I just added you as an author - good luck old girl! :-)

11:18 AM  

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