Confessions of an NQT (RJT)
So far things have gone well. No stabbings, no abuse and one successful trip to Manchester, during which no one got more drunk than me.
I've also neglected, holy Bogfather, to maintain my body's health. I have grown flabby and unfit: free school dinners don't help much. On the upside, I've managed to lose weight amid the general physcial collapse, so something must be going ok.
These last five months have seen more powerpoints than I can shake a mouse at, does that count as creative writing blogfather? No? Bugger. I shall be encouraging the Asimovs of the future at Write Club at school, so perhaps I can offset my crimes against the Resolution by passing the buck to a new generation? Sound vaguely Catholic.
Engagement and wedding planning brings me closer to the folks, but I have totally neglected to even lay eyes on nibling no.4: Alfie Thomas was born on 17th August. I AM a BAD uncle.
As for money, can I drop some foreign coins in the collection box on my way out? Will that count as saving?